Baby Potatoes’ roasted with caramelized Onions, garnished with Truffle Oil


This recipe is very simple and tastes gourmet.

The idea came about with a compulsion to use truffle oil which I was gifted by my dear friend in Delhi, who imports exquisite food-stuff for a living @priyankagupta

Other than using the truffle oil in egg recipes, which I tell you is one of the best ways to relish the truffle taste, I was keen to try something quick and new for my vegetarian friend visiting us with her husband who is a chicken freak!

Her husband, a Guju man is vegetarian at HOME and ONLY non-vegetarian when he’s out , has the liberty to call us anytime and block a meal to satisfy his chic-pangs 😉

While the #desi-murga was been prepared by my house cook (obviously my recipe) I was busy tossing some last minute finger food for the beer guzzlers.

The above outcome is one of them.

Ingredients :

  • 1/2kg Baby potatoes, scrubbed, washed and tissue paper dried
  • 2 Big Onions, peeled and diced in big squares
  • 3 Tbsp Virgin olive Oil
  • Fresh Parsley
  • Kosher Salt &freshly crushed peppercorns
  • 3 Teaspoons Truffle oil


Glaze the potatoes and onions in olive oil and layer them (one single layer) nicely over a roasting dish/tray. Sprinkle salt and crushed pepper to taste.

Pre-heat the oven for 20 minutes odd and then slide the tray through to roast the potatoes for 40 minutes approx..till they light brown and cooked well and the onion flakes caramelized.

Once ready, place them in a serving dish and wrap well with truffle oil (white). Garnish with fresh parsley and pepper corns.

I suggest a slightly deep dish than a completely flat platter to get the potatoes to stay close and flavored well with the truffle.

You can dust some paprika on the rims of the platter to make it look nice and bright.
